I was never bitten by the travel bug...and I'm not complaining!

August 17, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Summer is always the time you see your friends posting about a trip they're on or about to take. You've been hanging out on the couch in your yoga leggings (that you've probably been using for the last two days) and watching Parks and Recreation. Sure, that's me.

But does it bother me one bit? Nope. I enjoy seeing other people's pictures and stories, but I don't daydream about traveling to an exotic location every single moment of my day. Sure, I want to go to London purely because of the Harry Potter nerd inside me, and Ireland/Scotland due to my heritage. But to hike through a snake-infested forest or to hostel-hop? That's just not me.

Lately, a few friends (super traveller friends) have told me how much of the world I've missed out on. I should be traveling as much as I should because of cultures, views and such. With them telling me that, they just sound like snobs trying to shove their worldly selves onto me.

"Wait, I didn't mean to do that?"

I know you didn't, but to mention several locations you've gone to and tell people my opinion doesn't matter because I don't travel? Not cool. I'm my own person, I like making my own decisions. Next time you catch yourself telling someone they're missing out because they don't travel, stop. Just show them pictures and tell some incredible stories, they'll enjoy that instead! I know I've enjoyed so many various stories, and if you still have some for me--do tell me!

Newsflash...I've probably travelled the United States of America more than some of my friends have. If you didn't know yet, aside from the politics and corruption--America is truly beautiful. I want to travel MY country before I travel other people's countries. It's what we owe ourselves being Americans, IMO.

(I'm attaching potato quality photos, because back then I didn't have the world's best smartphone, and yes I mean my iPhone. Sorry, not sorry.)

Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
Letchworth State Park, NY.
I've spent a month on the road with family relatives across America, going to Moline/Galesburg, IL then down to New Orleans, LA then through Houston, Texas and back up to Santa Rosa, California. I've gotten to see so many beautiful things on the way.

I drove across America with my dad to bring my car to Rochester, we drove through a Hurricane (Issac, thank you very much) but that didn't stop us from seeing gorgeous sunsets in the Mid West.
Genesee River, Rochester, NY
Again, another few more road trips to/from Cleveland, Washington DC, and Chicago all from Rochester, NY. Finally my most recent one to the Pacific Northwest. I'll tell you this, the most recent move to the Pacific Northwest was my favorite one. Nothing can beat the woods and the fog. I might be biased though!
The snow and trees on the Snoqualmie Pass, WA
And the destination...Seattle, WA!
I'll link you to the article that inspired this rambling post.

I'd like to clarify that I WILL travel, on my own terms, on my own time and with my own choices. It won't be because of you telling me that I should travel, or because I need to expand my horizons culturally. It will be because I will appreciate the traveling that I do.

For now, let me get back to Leslie/Ben on Parks and Recreation in my yoga leggings.

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