twofer DIY post--cake and travel mug!

August 22, 2012 0 Comments A+ a-

I swear this is my last DIY post for a while as seeing I'm going back to school in few days (see my previous post about the road trip)! I did two completely different DIY posts in the last few weeks. The first one I couldn't blog until it was completed, some kind of a secret mission if you would call it! ;)

starting a new chapter in few weeks

August 09, 2012 0 Comments A+ a-

And this new chapter is.....? My third year at RIT! It's also the chapter that I will finally get my AS degree, start taking BA level classes and finally be on track towards graduation. It is the chapter where I will experience Rochester to the fullest, I finally have a car and finally am 21 years old. This is the chapter where I stop letting little things get to me, and start living for myself.

But how am I starting off this chapter?

Updated Bucket List

August 05, 2012 0 Comments A+ a-

Updated my Bucket List only because I was inspired (thanks to Pinterest and Tumblr). Added around 40 more, not necessarily for this year.