Two of the biggest resolutions I'm attempting to learn this month is positivity and striving to be the better person as possible. As you know, my boyfriend was in Seattle after finishing his classes in December, searching for an internship or at least a job. Our positivity has helped us endure few weeks of separation knowing we will be seeing each other very soon--and it paid off, he came to surprise me a couple of weeks ago to spend this semester here with me in Rochester. Yes, he is still searching for an internship or a job around here, but I'm positive he will find something (shameless plug: if you ever need a financial advisor or know a company who is looking for a financial majors as interns, please do shoot a message my way and I will refer you to him)!I'm not only being positive with my relationship, but with everything else--my roommates, my friends and my academic education path. I've been able to tolerate more things about the things that really annoyed me because I stayed positive and reminded myself that who I was yesterday is not how I want to act today towards my roommates or my friends. I am hoping my positivity reaches the people around me, and will motivate them to be more positive and be a better person as well. With my education, it is hard to stay positive when you're loaded with classwork on top of projects and such. Especially when you're placed in numerous group projects, it's hard to stay positive and stay afloat sometimes.
But, here's the most shocking part... I'm actually being positive. I'm able to stay happy and stay positive when I'm drowning in classwork and projects. I don't let it show that I'm drowning. When I'm unhappy, I just watch some movies and chill out before I decide if this is something I should talk about. Of course, I've had some of my moments where I needed to rant--and I did. Those occasional rants are perfectly okay, nobody can be positive ALL the time. But I'm getting better at this!
I'm liking this Sara Jane much better than yesterday's Sara Jane. Being able to chill out when I'm getting angry, watching what I want to say and picking my battles are not something I usually do. I try not to let the littlest things get to me. But I'm still not afraid to speak my mind against something that I'm not liking, I just pick how to approach it better or not to approach it at all. This is huge for me, and I'm extremely excited to work on this because I consider these my biggest flaws--my impulsiveness and my moodiness.
This is a continuous project that I will work on, and I know I will relapse to being moody sometimes but I really want to see my positivity radiate to other people--and that just makes me even more hopeful to be a better person not only for myself but for other people around me, so I'm really excited about February's resolutions!
January was great for me, I tried to bite my nails a whole lot less--I'm still working on that, but my nails have grown out a bit, although they are weak and brittle. I'm researching for ways to keep them strong and growing--so if you have any ideas, please send them my way! No manicure treat for me yet, but I'm sure it'll come very soon!
To refresh, February is/was all about being more of a positive person, some of that energy is bound to reach people around me and striving to be a better person than who I was yesterday. I combined both of these resolutions because I feel as if to be a better person, you should be more positive over all.
March will be about me exercising when I can, not for weight loss but for body, mind and soul health. I'm already looking into free websites/blogs giving out ideas on work-out regimens and into yoga mats, dumbbells and kettle-bells. If you have a great site that you follow through faithfully, or have great deals on local fitness classes, or deals on fitness equipment--please do leave comments for me, I would love your suggestions anytime!
I can't wait to start March's resolution but still keep working on the three resolutions I've assigned myself, maybe I should add prompt blog postings into one of my resolutions...hmm.
Until the next post!